Friday, July 23, 2010

COS_Bundle Update Instructions

Copy enic.o, enic.xml and vib to a Cisco Directory.
For COS, you still need to do following steps once for every install:
1) Copy /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/enic.o
2) Copy /etc/vmware/pciid/enic.xml
3) esxcfg-boot –b (this rebuilds the RAM disk)
4) Copy vib to COS and run esx4update -b cross_vem-
release.vib --nosigcheck update
5) Reboot

To get the enic0 back after a blade dissacotiation re-association.

Go to the DCUI interface and select The system will reboot and should settle
back to the normal config and get an IP.

VMSupport options
vm-support -w /vmfs/volumes/name_of_volume

Usage: /sbin/vm-support [-a] [-n] [-s] [-S] [-d duration_in_seconds] [-i interval] [-x]
[-X wid] [-q] [-w] [-l] [-Z wid] [-r] [-T] [-v] [-h]
-a causes all cores to be tar'ed up - even those from previous
runnings of this script
-n causes no cores to be tar'ed up
-s take performance snapshots in addition to other data
-S take only performance snapshots
-d set performance snapshot duration to seconds [default 300]
-i sleep seconds between snapshots [default autodetect]
-x lists wids for running VMs
-X grab debug info for a hung VM
-q runs in quiet mode
sets the working directory used for the output files
-l print list of files being collected
-Z suspends a VM and grabs debug info
-r causes all vmfs3 volumes' volume headers to be tar'ed up
-T collect test-esx logs in addition to other data
-v prints out vm-support version
-h prints this usage statement

To clean VC Database
\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server\vpxd -z

-r Register VMware VirtualCenter Server
-u Unregister VMware VirtualCenter Server
-s Run as a standalone server rather than a Service
-c Print vmdb schema to stdout
-o port Listens on the specified port instead of 902
-b Recreate database repository
-f cfg Use the specified file instead of the default vpxd.cfg
-l licenseKey Store license key information to ldap
-p Reset the database password
-v Print the version number to stdout

vswitch commands
esxcfg-vswitch [options] [vswitch[:ports]]
-a--add Add a new virtual switch.
-d--delete Delete the virtual switch.
-l--list List all the virtual switches.
-L--link=pnic Set pnic as an uplink for the vswitch.
-U--unlink=pnic Remove pnic from the uplinks for the vswitch.
-R--restore-uplinks Restore uplinks for all vswitches from config file.
-M--add-pg-uplink Add an uplink to the list of uplinks for a portgroup
-N--del-pg-uplink Delete an uplink from the list of uplinks for a portgroup
-P--add-dvp-uplink Add an uplink to a DVPort on a DVSwitch.
Must specify DVPort Id.
-Q--del-dvp-uplink Delete an uplink from a DVPort on a DVSwitch.
Must specify DVPort Id.
-V--dvp=dvport Specify a DVPort Id for the operation.
-p--pg=portgroup Specify a portgroup for operation
Use ALL to set VLAN IDs on all portgroups
-v--vlan=id Set vlan id for portgroup specified by -p
0 would disable the vlan
-c--check Check to see if a virtual switch exists.
Program outputs a 1 if it exists, 0 otherwise.
-A--add-pg=name Add a new portgroup to the virtual switch.
-D--del-pg=name Delete the portgroup from the virtual switch.
-C--check-pg=name Check to see if a portgroup exists. Program
outputs a 1 if it exists, 0 otherwise.
-B--set-cdp Set the CDP status for a given virtual switch.
To set pass one of "down", "listen", "advertise", "both".
-b--get-cdp Print the current CDP setting for this switch.
-X--set-maxactive Set the max active uplinks for this switch.
-x--get-maxactive Print the max active uplinks for this switch.
-m--mtu=MTU Set MTU for the vswitch. This affects all the nics attached on
the vswitch.
-r--restore Restore all virtual switches from the configuration file
-h--help Show this message.

Creating a new portgroup on vswitch
Esxcfg-vswitch –A “Service Console” vSwitch0

Changing the uplink vmnic
Esxcfg-vswitch -Q vmnic0 –V
esxcfg-vswitch -U Removes the NIC for the service consoleesxcfg-vswitch
-L Changes the uplink for the service console.

vmknic commands
-a - add Add a VMKernel NIC to the system, requires IP parameters and connection
point(portgroup/dvs-name & dvport-id)
-d - delete Delete VMKernel NIC on the system, requires connection point
(portgroup/dvs-name & dvport-id)
-e - enable Enable a given NIC if disabled
-D - disable Disable the given nic if enabled
-p - portgroup Setting portgroup as connection point
-s - dvs-name Setting DVSwitch name of the connection point. This requires
id> option to be given in the same command.
-v - dvport-id Setting DVPort ID of connection point. This requires option
to be given in the same command.
-l - list List VMkernel NICS.
-i - ip Where can be one of the following:
- to use static IPv4 DHCP for address specified
DHCP - to enable IPv4 DHCP for address
- to use static IPv6 address
DHCPV6 - to enable IPv6 DHCP for address.
ROUT - to enable IPv6 Router advertised address
-U - unset-ip Where can be one of the following
V4 - to unset IPv4 address.
- to remove static IPv6 address
DHCPV6 - to disable IPv6 DHCP for address.
ROUT - to disable IPv6 Router advertised address
-n - netmask - The IP netmask for the VMkernel NIC. Setting the IP netmask
requires that the --ip option be given in the same command.
-P - peerdns - Set peer dns. If set the system will use the HostName,
HostIPAddress Domain returned by DHCP. Valid only for DHCP
-t - mtu MTU - MTO for the interface being created
-6 - enable-ipv6 - Enable or disable IPv6 for next boot
-r - Restore VMkernel TCP/IP interface from Configuration file (for internal use only)
-h - help

To add vmknic to a portgroup
esxcfg-vmknic -a -i DHCP -p
esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n

To delete vmknic from a portgroup
esxcfg-vmknic -d -p
esxcfg-vmknic -d
esxcfg-vmknic –d –s -v

Esxcfg-vswif Commands
Description: Creates and updates service console network settings. This command is used
if you cannot manage the ESX Server host through the VI Client because of network
configuration issues.
Syntax: esxcfg-vswif [vswif]

-a Add vswif, requires IP parameters. Automatically enables interface.
-d Delete vswif.
-l List configured vswifs.
-e Enable this vswif interface.
-s Disable this vswif interface.
-p Set the portgroup name of the vswif.
-i or DHCP The IP address for this vswif or specify DHCP to use DHCP for
this address.
-n The IP netmask for this vswif.
-b The IP broadcast address for this vswif. (not required if netmask and ip
are set)
-c Check to see if a virtual NIC exists. Program outputs a 1 if the given vswif exists,
0 otherwise.
-D Disable all vswif interfaces. (WARNING: This may result in a loss of network
connectivity to the Service Console)
-E Enable all vswif interfaces and bring them up.
-r Restore all vswifs from the configuration file. (Internal use only)
-h Displays command help.

vswif reconfigure

run esxcfg-vswif -l and take note of the portgroup and IP settings

esxcfg-vswif -d vswifX (where X is the vswif in question)
esxcfg-vswif -a -i -n -p vswifX

Change your Service Console (vswif0) IP and Subnet Mask:
esxcfg-vswif -i -n vswif0
Add a Service Console (vswif0):
esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p "Service Console" -i -n
Deleting vswif
esxcfg-vswif –d vswif0
Adding and attaching a new vswif to port group
esxcfg-vswif –a –i -n -p “Service Console” vswif0
Bringing up vswif
esxcfg-vswif –enable-all
Ifconfig vswif0 down
Ifconfig vswif0 up

Killing vpxa
ps aux grep vpxa
kill -9 1st pid in the list

Watch for hostd issues
tail /var/log/vmware/hostd.log

esxcfg-mpath [--lun=] [--path=]-l--list List all LUNs and their
paths.-p--policy Set the policy for a specific LUN. Requires
a --lun flag. Type must be one of mru, rr, fixed or custom.-H--custom-hba-
policy Set the custom HBA policy value. Must be one of
mru, preferred, any, minq.-T--custom-target-policy Set the custom target policy value.
Must be one of mru, preferred, any-C--custom-max-commands
Set the custom policy value for max commands-B--custom-max-blocks Set the custom policy
value for max blocks-s--state Set the state for a specific LUN Path. Requires
both --lun and --path flags.-f--preferred Set the given path
to be preferred for the given LUN. Requires both --path
and --lun flags.-q--query Query the information on a specific LUN.
Requires a --lun flag.-P--path=vmhbaX:X:X Used to specify a path for setting
the path state or preferred path. Uses the
VMkernel internal path name.-L--lun=vmhbaX:X:X Indicate which LUN to
operate on. This can be either the internal VMkernel vmhba
name for this LUN (vmhbaX:X:X) or the vml name as
found in /vmfs/devices/disks.-v--verbose Show all information about
the LUNs and paths, otherwise a minimal set of data
is displayed to conserve space.-b--bulk Bulk path listing
suitable for parsing.-a--hbas List HBAs on the system with a unique ID
if one is available.-h--help Show this message.-r--restore Restore path
setting to configured values on system start. (INTERNAL
USE ONLY)NOTE vmhba names are not guaranteed to be valid across reboots. Use vml
LUNnames to be sure of consistency.Examples: To see all paths esxcfg-mpath -l To
see paths for disk vml.123456 esxcfg-mpath -q --lun=vml.123456 To set policy for
disk vmhba0:0:1 to mru esxcfg-mpath --policy=mru --lun=vmhba0:0:1 To set
preferred path for disk vmhba0:0:1 esxcfg-mpath --preferred --path=vmhba1:0:1 --
lun=vmhba0:0:1 To enable a path for disk vmhba0:0:1 esxcfg-mpath --
path=vmhba1:0:1 --lun=vmhba0:0:1 --state=on To disable a path and set policy to fixed
for disk vmhba0:0:1 esxcfg-mpath --path=vmhba0:1:1 --state=off --lun=vmhba0:0:1 -p

Checking ESX Version
vmware -v

Alternatively, you can use the legacy web interface using the URL


Boot Order LILO loads the service console kernel, e.g. /boot/initrd-2.4.9-vmnix2.img
This kernel obeys what is stored in the file /etc/inittab

/etc/inittab This file is read by the init process and specifies the run level to be
used by the service console. The line that states the run level will look something
like this.

The init process then works through the start up scripts in the appropriate diectory.
For run level 3, this directory would be

The file also starts up the virtual terminals on the ESX server mingetty tty2 through
mingetty tty5. The mingetty process is minimum getty.

A text file used most commonly when we need to share the service console NIC with the
VM kernel. This may be required in say a blade server which has only 2 NICs, and we
need to dedicate 1 NIC to Vmotion.
insmod vmxnet_console devName=vmnic0 ifup eth0

Contains start-up scripts for run level 2

Contains start-up scripts (logical links) for run level 3. Run level 3 is used most of
the time as it is command line full multi-user mode. The ones we are interested in are
shown below:

chkconfig --list This service console tool displays a table showing which daemons are
enabled for the run levels for the vmnix operating system.
ntpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:off 6:off
syslog 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:off 6:off
snmpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off

If we wanted to change a service so that it is enabled for a particular run level, then
we can use chkconfig –level.

chkconfig --level 1 ntpd on
The above command would turn on ntpd for run level 1, this would not affect the run
levels that ntpd was already set for. So in this example, the ntpd run levels would be

ntpd 0:off 1:on 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:off 6:off

service --status-all
This lists all the service daemons and their status. We can find running services by
looking for the running status

service –-status-all grep running
Would produce an output similar to the following:

crond (pid 1423) is running
httpd (pid 1486 1482 1479) is running
syslogd (pid 1136) is running
sshd (pid 1208) is running

To avoid unnecessarily rebooting an ESX server after making certain configuration
changes, we can frequently just restart the appropriate daemon. For example we could
restart the Apache web server for the MUI with the command:

service httpd.vmware restart

and we can also check a named service running status with

service httpd.vmware status

S12syslogd The centralised logging system. When ESX is running, both the service
console and VMkernel log messages through it.

/etc/ssh Secure shell settings
Quick way to restart the ssh daemon. Use full path to do this.

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

Text file with the configuration of SSH client.

Text file with the configuration file for SSH daemon. An important setting in this file
is PermitRootLogin=Yes/No. You can quickly check this with a grep on the file.

grep permit /etc/ssh/sshd_config


A text file that stores the RSA keys for known hosts. If we rebuild a host and then
reconnect to it over SSH we may be prevented if the known_hosts file has cached the old
key. I think SCP (secure copy) uses RSA keys as well as SSH sessions. Note this file is
maintained on a per-user basis.

The config file for Xinetd, the network services daemon? The daemon itself is stored in
/usr/sbin/xinetd This launches the daemons that are bound to it on demand

This is the authentication daemon. This daemon authenticates users of the management
interface (MUI) and remote consoles using the username/password database defined in
/etc/passwd. This service binds via the xinetd daemon and so the configuration file
that specifies the listening port is in

This text file contains the settings for the VMware remote access authentication
daemon. This file specifies the TCP:902 port used by remote console. If this port was
changed here, it must also be changed in the file /etc/vmware/config.

If we wanted to add Kerberos off-box authentication for MUI access, then its in the
pluggable authentication module configuration file that corresponds to this daemon that
we would make a change. This file is found at


We would need to change the current "auth required" to "auth sufficient" and add a last
line of "auth required" using the Kerberos authentication module.

S90vmware This script performs the following actions:
vmnix driver Loaded by modprobe vmnixmod.o
VMkernel Loaded by vmkloader
VMkdump Any dump will be copied to /root
Starts VMs Performed by vmware-serverd

vmware-serverd This daemon runs on demand in the service console to provide information
to any VMware service that needs it. This performs actions in the service console on
behalf of the VMware Remote Console and the web based MUI. It is started at boot time
to do any VM autostarts. This process is replaced with vmware-ccagent if Virtual Center
is installed.

S91httpd.vmware This script starts the Apache web server which provides the ESX Server
MUI. Configuration is stored in

This process communicates with vmware-serverd for backend data. Remember a refresh in
the browser is only a refresh to Apache, to get new data, click on the refresh button
to get new kernel data. Remember if the httpd.vmware service starts and then stops
immediately, check your service console disk space.

/usr/sbin/vmkstatus This is a perl script which runs every x seconds on tty1.

lsmod Lists drivers loaded for the service console linux. Remember this command differs
from the vmkload_mod utility which shows the modules loaded for the VMkernel.
Module Size Used by Tainted: PF
vmnixmod 177056 121
e1000 68456 0 (unused)
usb-uhci 21220 0 (unused)
usbcore 50112 1 [usb-uhci]
megaraid2 32928 6

The same information can be found by cat /proc/modules

Starting & Stopping ESX Server

init 0 Instructing a halt

init 1 Instructing run level 1

esx 1 If this is entered at the LILO boot prompt we can get a root shell. We are
instructing the vmnix kernel to execute at run level 1 (single user mode).

esx 3 Again at the LILO boot prompt, this time, we are instructing the vmnix kernel to
execute at run level 3 (the default). If we suspected the run level was wrong we can
use this to get back up and running without having to revert to booting Linux on its

linux rescue Used when you boot the ESX server with a Red Hat Linux CD

chroot Change root directory to new directory specified as a parameter

shutdown Brings down the system in a secure way.
shutdown -h now Halt after shutdown
shutdown -r now Restart after shutdown

linux -s At the LILO boot loader, the default options are
esx Normal ESX boot
linux Linux SMP kernel, no VMkernel load
linux-up Linux Uni-processor kernel, no VMkernel load

If we use the cursor key at the LILO screen to select one of the three default choices,
the boot prompt (displayed below the menu) changes to reflect this. This allows us to
augment the boot command with an option switch.

boot: linux –s

In this case, the –s instructs Linux to boot in single user mode. A critical security
point here is that in single user mode, Linux automatically logs on as root! Once in
single user mode if we wish to continue into multi-user mode then we type either exit

RPM Packages
rpm As ESX service console is based on modified Red Hat Linux, we can use the RPM
package installation method.
rpm -qa

/etc/modules.conf Identifies interface eth0 and aliases
alias eth0 e1000
alias eth1 e1000
options e1000 Speed=100

Ifup eth0
Brings interface “eth0” up

Ifdown eth0
Takes interface “eth0” down.

Prints a list of the network interfaces. A quick way of getting IP and MAC of
interfaces Can also be used to bring interfaces up or down
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig lo down

mii-tool Interface tool.
Doesn’t work correctly with some network cards, including Intel 1000 Pro copper NICs.

service network restart
Great way to do orderly restart of vmnix network configuration. Another way would be to
ifdown eth0; ifup eth0

/etc/hosts Host lookup file, just like windows. The ESX server MUST have an entry for
itself in its own HOSTS file.

/etc/resolv.conf The DNS name server settings, This file does not need to be present if
you are not using DNS.

/etc/sysconfig/network Text file containing hostname and default gateway.

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 IP, mask and device name. The text file
contains IP configuration for interface eth0, which is reserved for the service

route Modify or print routing table
route Prints routing table
route del –net default Deletes the default gateway
route add –net default gw w.x.y.z Adds a new default gateway

netconfig Network configuration setup program

/etc/issue File which shows ESX and vmnix version
VMware ESX Server 2.1.2
Kernel 2.4.9-vmnix2 on an i686

uname -a Outputs details of the server as shown
Linux 2.4.9-vmnix2 #1 Fri Aug 6 04:38:44 PDT 2004 i686

Local and remote file systems which are mounted at boot. This file is explained in more
detail in the mount section.

A text file that can be checked to see what the service console NIC is doing. The speed
of the console NIC specified in the file modules.conf can be confirmed by this file.

User Administration
id Displays the UID for the currently logged on user or if supplied with a parameter
can be used to display the UID of a named user.

Used to change the logged on users password or for a named account

Adds a user to /etc/passwd

By default a user added with default options has a group created of the same name. We
can add the user to another group, e.g. have a group membership of say ESXUsers

useradd alistair –G vmsqladmins

The above command adds a user called alistair whose primary group (-g) is alistair and
other group (-G) membership is vmsqladmins

We can add additional parameters to more fully specify the account.

useradd financeflagshipuser –g Finance –s /bin/false

In the above example the users’ primary group is Finance and the shell is specified. In
this case the shell is /bin/false which is a bogus shell which would prevent logon as
this user. By default in the service console vmnix, this would be /bin/bash for the
Bourne-again shell. It appears the only other shell shipped with vmnix is csh (the C

groupadd Adds a group to /etc/group
groupadd esxadmins

In the above example, a new group called esxadmins is created and therefore a new line
appears in /etc/group.

The best tool for modifying the /etc/group file. The following command adds greg to the
ESXUsers secondary group.
gpasswd –a greg ESXUsers

Group removal is simple with the –d switch:

gpasswd –d tony ESXUsers

This command is used to modify a user. Be very careful with this command as when used
with –G to set the users group membership, it is not adding the user to a group but is
actually setting the list of secondary groups a user belongs to. Therefore in the
following example if bill had secondary group list of ESXUsers and SQLadmin, then after
usermod –G ali bill

then bill would only have a secondary group of ali and nothing else!

groupmod Modify a group

su Switch user, super user and used without parameters expects root. If we restrict
root from logging in over SSH, then we force remote users to authenticate as themselves
and then SU to run privileged commands if need be, thus leaving a decent audit trail.

sudo Allows delegation of administration in terms of certain commands that normally
only a particular user can execute (usually root).

visudo This is just the "vi" text editor, but it automatically opens the /etc/sudoers
file. The point of visudo is to ensure we always edit the right file as the location of
the sudoers file differs between nix distributions, but this command is constant and
will utilise the right sudoers file for the distro being used.

/etc/sudoers The text file that contains the sudo users and the rules that apply to

/etc/group List of security groups.

This may look like a list of users, but it is groups. As the service console (vmnix) is
a modified version of Red Hat Linux, the Linux security configuration is the same as
Red Hat. One feature of Red Hat no found in all Linux distributions is that of the user
private group (UPG). Whenever you create a user, a group of the same name is created
also and the user is made a member. The format of the file is:


so when we see groups like JohnSmith:x:513 we can assume the 513 is the UID for the
user JohnSmith and this is his UPG.

List of security users. When we add a user with either the MUI or a command line tool
such as useradd, we are adding to this text file.
ali:x:500:500:Alistair Sutherland:/home/ali:/bin/bash
sara:x:501:501:Sara Daniels:/home/sara:/bin/bash bill:x:502:502::/home/bill:/bin/bash

the format of the file is


Normally the group ID will match the user ID.

/etc/shadow Password file

/etc/skel Skeleton directory
– new home directories take copies of the files stored here.

This directory stores key log files for both the service console and the VMkernel. Of
note are the vmkernel, vmkwarning & messages file logs. These logs can be viewed
with the more, cat, head and tail command line tools.
We can also access these logs via the MUI via the following link in the Options tab.

If you use the sudo tool to run a command under a different security context then the
log file /var/log/secure will contain the audit trail for such activity.

Check the file /etc/syslog.conf for logging settings.

Shows currently active network connections

List open files Pipe the results into grep to check for open ports
lsof grep IPv4.\*LISTEN

pam Pluggable Authentication Module

free -m
Shows free memory in the service console. The "-m" switch specifies to display the
results in megabytes.

Disk partitioning tool

du Disk usage. Great for finding out which folders are using disk space
du –h /home/ali/vmare
du –h ~
du –s summary

df -h Print disk partitions (with human readable switch)

vdf -h Print disk partitions with knowledge of VMFS partitions (type FB) (with human
readable switch)

Disk dump utility common to Linux. Copy a file while converting and formatting. This
can be a quick and dirty way of making an ISO. This could be done in the service
console with
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/vmimages/new.iso bs=32k

This tool could also be used to go from ASCII to EBCDIC etc.

This tool can be used to create an additional swap file. For example, if we did not
allocate a big enough swap partition for the service console during ESX installation,
we can create one now in a file of 64MB.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=64

If we did add a swap file, we would need to make sure it is started when ESX starts.
Therefore, an entry in /etc/fstab would be needed as this file describes the local and
remote file systems to mount at boot. The total amount of service console swap space is
the sum of the swap partition and any swap files that are active.

A command that must be run against a newly created swap file in order to activate it.
Think of creating a swap file with dd like creating a partition, then mkswap is like
formatting that partition. The swapon command then turns it on when needed.

swapon Enables swap file for service console

swapoff Disables swap file for service console

A text file that can be checked to see what swap the service console is using. The
output contains a priority which shows which swap device will be used first before the
other(s). Useful to determine if swap space is getting used and if there is more than 1
swap. Remember this is vmnix (service console) swap, not VMkernel. The VMkernel swap is
in one or more files on a VMFS volume (hence the strong recommendation that even when
using a SAN, a vmfs volume is created on direct attached storage to allow local swap).
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda3 partition 554232 0 -1
/swapfile file 65528 0 -2

Basic File Commands

touch When used with a non-existent filename, this tool creates an empty
file of name filename. However, this can be used to touch an existing file and update
its last modified or last accessed attributes. This could be scripted if required.
Watch for running touch against any file stored on a VMFS as there appears to be a
problem. Remember that not all Linux tools are modified for VMFS awareness. The VMFS is
not an ext3 partition but is a mount point, it’s the VMkernel that accesses any VMFS

cat > file Enter text at command line and then CTRL-D to write to file.

echo blah > file Writes the text following echo command to file. This could be good for
quickly creating files
echo modprobe usb-uhci > S92usb
echo modprobe usb-ohci >>S92usb

Another great use of this technique is to make changes to the ESX server configuration
via the /proc hierarchy, e.g. changing the number of shares for a VM

echo 2500 > /proc/vmware/vm/nnn/cpu/shares

would change the VM CPU shares to 2500. However such a change would only exist for the
duration of the world created for that VM. After the VM is powered off this in memory
structure is lost. To make such a change persistent, we would need to add the line

sched.cpu.shares = "2476"

to the VMX file of the virtual machine.

head filename By default, the head command prints the first 10 lines of the specified
file. We can choose how many lines we want instead of 10 by specifying the –n switch.
This is good for looking at the file /proc/vmware/vmhba:x:x:x/0:0 with the –n 22
switch. Also good for using with the file command to determine whether a virtual disk
is in ESX format or COW format.
head server.dsk file -

The “–“ is crucial to making the above command work. For an ESX virtual disk we would
expect to see something like

standard input: x86 boot sector

tail filename Prints the last 10 lines of the specified file. Just like the head
command, there is a –n switch that can be specified to list the last n lines of the
named file.

sort Can alphabetically or numerically sort redirected command output or files.
sort fruit

or to sort a basic score sheet

sort –g –k 2 scores.txt

grep Group regular expression, used to string search the files or command outputs. You
can use grep –i to indicate search with case insensitive.

find The find utility is used much in the same way as many Windows people used the DIR
command. If you know roughly what files you are looking for, then this is the tool. The
ls tool simply lists, whereas the find tool will find according to one or more
criteria, a common one being find files modified in the last day using the –mtime
switch as shown in the table.
–mount used to ensure it doesn't traverse to remote file systems
-size obvious
-mtime modified in the last n*24
-mmin modified in the last n minutes
-ls use output format as if ls were used
-name name the file you are looking for (you just don’t know where it is!)

find –mmin -30 files modified in last 30 minutes
find –mtime 1 files modified in last 24 hours
find –size +10000 files in excess of 10,000 bytes
find –mount –size +10000 -ls files on non-remote file system
find –name “hosts” -ls file called hosts

vi Standard UNIX text editor

Another text editor, more friendly but you should use –w to avoid word wrap.

setup Allows changing of NIC, region, firewall, mouse, keyboard

ls -a List files in a directory including hidden (also known as dot files due to their
prefix) files.

ls -dl */ List directories in long format (does not display files). Could add as a
shell alias, say lsd.

ll Same as ls –al

less Scrollable command line, great for piping large output into

more Exactly the same as DOS and Windows, also great for piping large output into.

chown Changes file ownership. If only 1 user name is specified then the user ownership
is set only and the group ownership if left unchanged as shown in the solaris.vmx
example below. However rather than having to use chown and then chgrp straight after
it, you can set user and group ownership in one operation by specifying the username(s)
separated by a colon as in the netware5.vmx example shown.
#chown ali solaris.vmx
#chown ali:ali netware5.vmx

chgrp Changes the group owner for a file, leaving the user owner unchanged.
#chgrp ali file.txt

chmod Changes file permission. We can use either letters or numeric equivalency when
setting permissions. We set permission for 3 principals, the user, the group and others
(ugo). If you are from a Windows background then don’t confuse “o” with owner.
#chmod u+rx,g+r,o+r file.txt

Note that using + or – indicates we are adding to or removing from existing permission.
If we wish to reset the permission we use “=” to explicitly set the object permissions.

#chmod u=rx,g=r,o=r file.txt yields r-xr—-r--

Sometimes you will see a chmod using “a” to specify all (user, group & other), so
we could quickly set read permissions by

#chmod a-wx,a+r file.txt yields r—-r-—r--

A more common way to set permission is using chmod is using numeric equivalent values
(4,2,1 for r,w,x) and permutations thereof.

chmod 777 windows2k.vmx set perms to rwxrwxrwx
chmod 754 windows2k.vmx set perms to rwxr-xr-- (default)

Watch for chmod commands with 4 digits, e.g. chmod 0754. This refers to additional

Sticky bit SUID (Set User ID) SGID (Set Group ID)

The sticky bit can be set on executables which tells Linux to keep the application in
memory. The reason for this is to improve load times for other users who wish to run
the same executable. This relates to the multi-user nature of UNIX/Linux. Given the
speed of memory and disk access nowadays the need to keep applications in memory is
much less important and so the sticky bit needed so much.


Set User ID is used on an executable so that when it is run, it is run under the
security context of the file owner not the current user. That means in case I have an
application whose owner is ' root ' and it has its SUID bit set, then when I run this
application as a normal user, that application would still run as root. Since the SUID
bit tells Linux that the the User ID root is set for this application and whenever this
application executes it must execute as if root was executing it (since root owns this

Set Group ID. Just like SUID, setting the SGID bit for a file sets your group ID to the
file's group while the file is executing

To set any of these 3 attributes, we use a 4th digit preceding the usual 3 used with
chmod. That digit is set using the following:

4 Set user ID (s) 2 Set group ID 1 Set sticky bit (t)

So if we want to set a file with permission rwxr-xr-x and set the user ID bit we could

chmod 4755

umask Another permissions feature you may encounter is that of umask.

VMware Tools

A VMware tool. Used to divide up the PCI resources between the service console and VMs
or if they are shared. E.g. 1 NIC to SC, 1 SCSI adapter to share between SC and VMs, 1
SCSI adapter to VMs. This tool is stored in /usr/sbin/vmkpcidivy
This is a command line tool which asks a series of questions. Use with the –i switch
for interactive.

This is also used to refreshnames and –q vmhba_devs

For example, if I had a SAN LUN of vmhba1:0:25 and lets say I removed the VMFS from
this LUN and wished to use it from the service console, I’d refresh names and then
query the vmhba_devs to find out what device name the service console was going to use
for this LUN, e.g. /dev/sda.

A very useful feature of this tool is the ability to create a new profile. This adds a
new boot option to the LILO boot menu that will have its own allocation of memory and
PCI devices. If you are unsure about the changes you are making, then create a new
profile e.g. esx (modified)

The vmkfstools utility is the tool for managing virtual disks. Remember that to copy
into a VMFS could have an adverse affect on other VMs with virtual disks on the same
LUN. We always want to avoid using copy to populate a VMFS. Copy operations will update
the volume in 16k blocks causing unnecessary SCSI reservations to update vmfs metadata.

The switches that can be used with the command are listed below:
-i to import a virtual disk to VMFS
-e to export a virtual disk from VMFS
-s to re-scan for new LUNs
-S to set vmfs metadata volume label
-X 6000M ./file.dsk to extend an existing DSK to 6GB
-c 4000M ./file.dsk to create a new empty virtual disk
-C to create a new vmfs volume
-l vmfsname to list virtual disks on specified vmfs
-F to set the access mode e.g. public/shared
-k to create a VMkernel swap file
-w to activate a VMkernel swap file
-y to deactivate a VMkernel swap file
-T to convert a vmfs1 volume to vmfs2

Remember that the vmfs parameter always goes last on this command parameter set for
vmkfstools. This can be confusing for the beginner as the source and target order is
different for imports and exports.

If we want to simply list the files on a vmfs volumes we use the -l switch.

vmkfstools –l /vmfs/vmhba0:0:0:8

or if we wish to use the volume label;

vmkfstools –l

would produce an output similar to the following

Name: VMFS2-VOL1 (public)
Capacity 129465874944 (123461 file blocks * 1048576) avail
Permission Uid Gid Attr Bytes (Blocks) Last Modified Filename
rw------- 0 0 swap 2146435072 ( 2047) Nov 18 18:25 Swap.vswp
rw------- 500 500 disk 4194304000 ( 4000) Nov 16 14:12 VM1.dsk
rw------- 500 500 disk 6291456000 ( 6000) Nov 23 22:19 VM2.dsk
rw------- 500 500 disk 2621440000 ( 2500) Nov 17 23:09 VM3.dsk
rw------- 500 500 disk 4194304000 ( 4000) Nov 24 18:11 VM4.dsk

To create a new virtual disk we use the -c switch

vmkfstools –c 2048M /vmfs/vmhba0:0:0:8:newdisk.dsk

This command would create a new virtual disk (monolithic) on the specified vmfs volume.
Remember it is always better to use the VMFS name as this will not change even if your
hardware does.

To import a virtual disk into the VMFS we use vmkfstools with the -i switch. This will
take a virtual disk in COW format into monolithic format without causing excessive SCSI
reservations on the LUN holding the target VMFS

vmkfstools –i /vmimages/file.vmdk /vmfs/vmhba1:0:25:1/virtdisk.dsk

As always with this command, the parameter specifying the VMFS location is always the
last parameter.

vmware-cmd A command line tool to perform VM operations. This tool is found in /usr/bin
vmware-cmd –s register /home/ali/vmware/newVM/newVM.vmx

vmware-cmd –s unregister /

vmware-cmd –l

vmware-cmd /home/user/vmware/server/server.vmx stop soft

vmware-cmd /home/user/vmware/server/server.vmx getheartbeat

vmware-cmd /home/user/vmware/server/server.vmx getstate

vmware-cmd /home/user/vmware/server/server.vmx getid

vmware-cmd /home/user/vmware/server/server.vmx getpid

The stop type can be soft, try soft or hard.

This is used to manage the VM kernel core dump partition. We can change the partition
used if required. This tool is also needed if the core dump partition had been removed
because ESX expects it to be there when starting up, so we need to tell ESX that it has
vmkdump -q Query the VM kernel for which partition it will use
vmkdump -p vmhba0:0:0:3 Set VM kernel dump partition to partition 3
vmkdump –p none:0:0:0 Set VM kernel dump partition to none

Remember the vmkcore partition does not have a mount point in the service console and
is not specified as ext3. We can use the fdisk -l command to view where the core dump
partition is in relation to the disk layout.

Allows viewing with the –l switch, loaded and unloaded VMkernel modules. This command
differs from lsmod which lists the modules loaded for the service console. This is a
very good way of differentiating what modules the kernel is using versus the ones used
by vmnix.
#vmkload_mod -l

Name R/O Addr Length R/W Addr Length ID Loaded
vmklinux 0x4de000 0xf000 0x12516b0 0x53000 1 Yes
nfshaper 0x4ed000 0x1000 0x12a81b0 0x1000 2 Yes
e1000 0x4ee000 0xf000 0x12a91b8 0x6000 3 Yes
megaraid2 0x4fd000 0x6000 0x12f6008 0x3000 4 Yes
bond 0x503000 0x2000 0x138a158 0x2000 5 Yes


Note, the -l parameter can also be specified as --list


/etc/modules.conf Not only lists eth0 (as discussed in network section) but in fact
this text file sometimes describes the devices that are assigned to the service console
by vmkpcidivy.

modinfo This tool takes a service console driver and displays the options it supports.
For example
modinfo e1000

Would produce a list of flow control settings for the Intel gigabit NIC.

modinfo cciss

Would produce the file details and version of the HP Smart Array controller.

lspci Great tool for listing pci devices. Could be used to demo what the VM is
presenting to the guest OS.
lspci –v verbose output
lspci –t print tree of PCI devices (use –tv for verbose tree)

You may wish to examine /proc/pci also in order to correctly identify PCI devices and
their slot configurations. One point to note is that when you are faced with PCI slot
numbers is that not all hardware vendors number their slots in a straight forward left
to right configuration. Make sure you know your slot numbers and their layout!

lsusb A tool to list USB devices. Gives out way more info that is actually required.
Remember that USB devices cannot be presented to virtual machines in ESX Server. If you
wish to use a USB device in ESX, then you will have to use a USB over IP device and
install the appropriate driver software into your guest OS for this. The most common
USB over IP device is companyX

kudzu A Red Hat tool to detect and configure hardware.

/etc/vmware/netmap.conf This text file maps ESX virtual switch names to device names.
It is a network map config file as opposed to the more generic devices map config file
(devnames.conf). = "SecuredGigabit"
network0.device = "vmnic2" = "VirtualSwitch1"
network1.device = "vmnet_1" = "InternetSwitch"
network2.device = "vmnic1"

Remember that if a virtual switch has no physical adapters, then it is vmnet_x. If a
virtual switch has only 1 physical adapter is is vmnic_x. If there are two or more
physical adapters assigned to a virtual switch, then the device is bondx.

A bond can be in one of three modes, out-mac (default), out-ip and standby

out-mac A VM virtual NIC is assigned to a pNIC in the bond and it uses only that
out-ip A VM TCP conversation is placed on an available pNIC
standby A VM will only use one NIC until a failure, then the other is used

/etc/vmware/devnames.conf This text file maps device names (example above) to modules
and their PCI addresses. Note that the devnames.conf file contains SCSI devices and NIC
002:14.0 megaraid vmhba0
005:04.1 nic vmnic0
011:07.0 nic vmnic1
012:08.0 nic vmnic2

/etc/vmware/ Appears to be like a hardware compatibility list. Watch
out for creating your own device map, devices.local The /etc/vmware/
file contains a list of devices supported by ESX Server. This release includes support
for a local version of this file, /etc/vmware/ Modify the to select different device drivers. This file is not modified
during an ESX Server upgrade, preserving your customizations. The vmware- is read when the VMkernel is loaded:
Any changes to the file require a reboot, or at least an
unload/reload of the VMkernel to take effect.

Entries in the files are used in addition to the entries in
the file. The file does not need to mirror
the file.

Any file entries that correspond to the
file entries supercede the file entries.

/etc/vmware/hwconfig Loads of information in this text file. Useful for finding which
nic is in which team. If using alongside devnames.conf and netmap.conf use the
following command
grep –i vmnic /etc/vmware/hwconfig

/dev/fd0 How to address the floppy disk drive

/dev/sda SCSI device

/proc/vmware/pci Text file with discovered PCI devices
Bus:Sl.F Vend:Dvid Subv:Subd Type Vendor ISA/irq/Vec P M Module Name Spawned bus
000:00.0 8086:3590 1028:016e Host/PCI Intel C
000:02.0 8086:3595 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 001 C
000:03.0 8086:3596 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 004 C
000:04.0 8086:3597 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 007 C
000:05.0 8086:3598 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 010 C
000:06.0 8086:3599 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 013 C
000:29.0 8086:24d2 1028:016e USB Intel 11/ 16/0x69 A C
000:29.1 8086:24d4 1028:016e USB Intel 10/ 19/0x71 B C
000:29.2 8086:24d7 1028:016e USB Intel 7/ 18/0x79 C C
000:29.7 8086:24dd 1028:016e USB Intel 3/ 23/0x81 D C
000:30.0 8086:244e 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 016 C
000:31.0 8086:24d0 0000:0000 PCI/ISA Intel C
000:31.1 8086:24db 1028:016e IDE Intel 0/ / A C
001:00.0 8086:0330 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 002 C
001:00.2 8086:0332 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 003 C
002:14.0 1028:0013 1028:016e RAID Dell 7/ 38/0x91 A S vmhba0 004:00.0 8086:0329
0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 005 C
004:00.2 8086:032a 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 006 C
005:04.0 8086:1010 8086:1012 Ethernet Intel 7/ 58/0x99 A C 005:04.1 8086:1010 8086:1012
Ethernet Intel 10/ 59/0xa1 B V e1000 vmnic0
010:00.0 8086:0329 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 011 C
010:00.2 8086:032a 0000:0000 PCI/PCI Intel 012 C
011:07.0 8086:1076 1028:016d Ethernet Intel 11/ 72/0xa9 A V e1000 vmnic1
012:08.0 8086:1076 1028:016d Ethernet Intel 11/ 73/0xb1 A V e1000 vmnic2
016:13.0 1002:5159 1028:016e Display ATI 7/ 18/0x79 A C

findnic This tool is also known as “The VMkernel Network Card Locator”. It locates a
physical NIC in an ESX server by using pings. It is left to the operator to check which
NIC is sending the echo requests by either unplugging network cables or inspecting
flickering lights on the NIC or the switch. The useful feature of this tool is we can
ping based on the device name that the VMkernel uses to access the NIC. We should
remember that each physical NIC in an ESX server that is allocated to the VMkernel does
not itself have an IP address, therefore in to perform an ICMP echo request, we need to
temporarily give that NIC an IP; this is specified as the first IP parameter in the
command, the second IP parameter being the ICMP destination.
findnic –i 5 vmnic2

The above command will send ICMP echo requests to every 5 seconds. We could
also use the –f switch which would flood ping.

File Systems

The volatile /proc directory hierarchy can be treated as a file system but is held in

A text file snapshot of cpu scheduling. You could increase CPU shares using this method
echo 10000 > /proc/vmware/vm//cpu/shares

This is a fantastic utility that polls whatever command you supply it with an displays
a running changing status. For example, we could use the command
watch cat /proc/vmware/mem

to obtain a dynamic view of memory usage by VMware. If you are viewing lots of output
but can't see what is actually changing we use the -d parameter to specify differences,
thus highlighting changes between refreshes.

watch –d cat /proc/vmware/mem

To specify a different refresh rate, we use the --interval=n parameter

smbclient This is a redirector type tool to view and connect to SMB (Microsoft
networking) hosts. Before updating the /etc/fstab file with remote file system
information, check first using smbclient that the share is visible. The following was
produced with
smbclient –I 192.168.1150 –U username –L computername

Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
E$ Disk Default share
Microsoft Disk
D$ Disk Default share
NETLOGON Disk Logon server share
REMINST Disk Remote Installation Share
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
SYSVOL Disk Logon server share
VPLOGON Disk Symantec AntiVirus
C$ Disk Default share
VPHOME Disk Symantec AntiVirus

To create a mount point to a Microsoft share is very straightforward. Remember, we are
allowing the service console to access a remote file system. This is not related to
what virtual machines are doing. Further, we need to be careful if we are attempting to
do any file operations due to potential limits with 2GB file sizes.

1. Add entry to local hosts (/etc/hosts) for MS host
2. Create directory where you wish the mount point with mkdir
3. Run smbclient –I -U user –L NetBIOSComputername to check you can see the
4. Add an entry to /etc/fstab

//server/share /mountdir smbfs ip=ipaddress,username=user,password=pass,noauto 0 0

5. Mount the remote file system with mount /mountdir
6. Change directory into mount point and the directory will no longer be empty but will
appear just like a mapped drive.

Alternatively, if you just want to map temporarily to a Microsoft host and not have to
modify fstab, then use smbclient interactively as shown:

smbclient //ipaddress/share –U NThost\NTuser Password: ****** Domain=[TAUPO] OS=
[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager] smb: \>

NFS Network File System (NFS) is provided by rpc.nfsd and would normally be launched by
an nfs script in /etc/rc.d. To start using NFS to mount directories on other ESX or
Linux servers, we can use the following steps:
1. Change the ESX Server which is to be the NFS server to use medium security (using
the MUI is easiest for this)

2. Add an entry to the file /etc/exports on the NFS server by either using vi text
editor (/vmimages *) or use the exportfs command

3. Check the NFS client is not excluded by the server file /etc/hosts.deny

4. Up to you if you explicitly allow the NFS client by adding the NFS client to
/etc/hosts.allow on the NFS server

5. Start the NFS server daemons
a. /etc/rc.d/init.d/service portmap start
b. /etc/rc.d/init.d/service nfslock start
c. /etc/rc.d/init.d/service nfs start

6. Start the NFS client daemons
a. /etc/rc.d/init.d/service netfs start
b. /etc/rc.d/init.d/service portmap start

7. Mount remote export directory from the client with the command
a. mount –t nfs server:/export localdir/localmount

showmount This command is used by a NFS client to see what directories are being
exported by a NFS server.
showmount –e nfsserver

This command can be specified with the hostname name or IP address of the NFS server
holding the exported directories.

exportfs The exportfs command allows you to selectively export or unexport directories
without restarting the various NFS services.

NIS NIS stands for Network Information Service. Ensures numeric owner IDs are unique
across the organisation. This is because numeric owner IDs are used in NFS, so we are
often going to have mistaken identity as used 515 on the nfs client will not be the
same as user 515 on the nfs server. Just like the Windows utility to mount virtual disks when they are
powered off so you can check what’s in them. This will mount ext3 and vfat as
read/write but NTFS as read only. To find out what file systems are in the virtual
disk, use the –p switch. –p /vmfs/VMFS-VOL1/win2k3.dsk

VMware for Linux - Virtual Hard Disk Mounter Version: 1.0 build-9638\nCopyright 1998
VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. -- VMware Confidential

Nr Start Size Type Id Sytem
-- ---------- ---------- ---- -- ------------------------
1 63 8160957 BIOS 7 HPFS/NTFS

If we actually want to mount a partition then we need to be specific and create a
directory (or use an existing) to be our mount point.

mkdir /myntfs /vmfs/VMFS-VOL1/win2k3.dsk 1 –t ntfs –o ro /myntfs

This command will tie up the console window hence you’ll need to spawn a new window
first to navigate to /myntfs to view the contents.

mount Mount file system This command can be used with the –t switch to specify file
system type, e.g. nfs, smbfs or iso9660
mount -t nfs [-o options] esx4:/vmimages /root/other_server_vmimages

umount Un-mount file system. Note it is u-mount and not unmount!

smbmount A mount –t smbfs passes control across to this utility. We can use this
utility directly if we prefer for mounting SMB host file systems.

/etc/fstab If we have smb mount points permanently, then this file could end up with
user credentials in it. This file is readable by everyone so this is not good. We can
place the credentials for the smbmount in a hidden secured file in our home folder eg.
echo username=user > .smbcreds echo password=pass >> .smbcreds chmod 600 .smbcreds

Then in the /etc/fstab file we substitute the username and password for
credentials=/root/.smbcreds. Therefore the whole line in the fstab would be

//server/share /mountdir smbfs ip=ipaddress,credentials=/root/.smcreds,noauto 0 0


.bashrc A hidden file that extends shell script for the BASH shell. This is found in
the users home folder.

/etc/bashrc System-wide bash shell settings

clear Equivalent of CLS command in MS-DOS and in Windows command prompt.

sum Prints the 16-bit checksum and size of the specified file.

md5sum Prints the MD5 checksum for the file supplied as a command parameter. VMware
publish md5 checksums for all downloads to allow the end user to confirm that the file
had not be corrupted in download.

cal Display calendar for current month -3 last, current and next month 200x display
year cal 2005 less to get scrollable calendar

/etc/vmware/vm-list Auto generated text file listing the VMs on the server. This file
should not be manually edited, should match up with output of vmware-cmd –l.

Process Management

PID PID stands for Process ID. Every running process has a process ID that is valid for
the length of process execution.

PPID PPID stands for Parent Process ID, which is the PID of the process that launched
that process.

ps Show running processes in the service console.
ps –A ps –eaf
ps –eaf grep vmware-serverd
ps –efw

is useful as the “w” indicates wide format, so we can see the full directory path to
the vmx file.

pstree -ph Show process tree with PIDs and ancestors

esxtop VMware version of process viewer top

renice Change process priority. If there were many VMs running concurrently, it may be
necessary to temporarily raise the priority of the MUI in order to complete
administrative tasks
#ps –eaf grep vmware
#renice –p
#renice –p

To reset the PID of these processes back to their defaults, use renice again to set the
priority to zero.

pidof Finds the PID of a named process.
#pidof vmware-authd

& We can configure processes to run in the background by adding a “&” suffix
when launching the program.
#sleep 10 &jobs List the process jobs running in the background.

SAN & Disk Management

Disk.MaxLUN=8 This is the default setting, which scans 0 to 7 on start up. Remember if
we what to scan up to LUN N we must set Disk.MaxLUN to N+1. This setting is found in
the /etc/vmware/vmkconfig file but should be modified via the MUI (Options tab,
Advanced Settings).

Disk.MaskLUNs This parameter controls LUN visibility, again this is in the
/etc/vmware/vmkconfig file. LUN masking is only supported on fibre channel HBAs. This
overrides the Disk.MaxLUN setting.
vmhba0:0:4,6-255 would scan 0,1,2,3,5 i.e. skip 4 and skip 6 through 255
vmhba0:0:3,4,9-255 would scan 0,1,2,5,6,7,8 i.e. skip 3 & 4 and skip 9 through 255

/etc/vmware/vmkconfig This is a text file which stores vmkernel configuration, like an
INI file or registry key. The important fact to note is that this file does not exist
until you make an edit away from the default setting.

vmkfstools –s vmhba0 Used to re-scan for new LUNs on specified host bus adapter.


WWN SAN devices are identified by a world wide name, a unique 64-bit address. Remember
we can use the perl script to determine quickly what the WWN is for the
installed FC hba.

LUN A LUN identifies individual units of storage behind a SCSI ID. A LUN could be a
single disk or a RAID5 volume.

Zoning Zoning is either hard (switch port) or soft (WWN controlled)

LUN Masking LUN Masking is a disk array feature that controls which LUNs are presented
to which WWNs

/proc/scsi/driver/number The WWN for an adapter would be found in this file.

Disk.SupportSparseLUN The setting Disk.SupportSparseLUN should =1 as LUNs may be
discontiguous. For example if there are disk volumes at LUNs 0,1,2 and 6 then we want
to be sure that after LUN 2, the VMkernel storage driver does not stop scanning. We
want the LUN scanning to reach the last LUN specified in DiskMaxLUN parameter,
regardless of whether the visible LUN numbers are contiguous or not.

Disk.RetryUnitAttention=1 This setting tells ESX server to retry SCSI commands as
vendor specific status codes may have been received and ESX may think the volume is
present but not accessible when in fact its just a message that cache has been


Free A simple utility to display free memory in the service console.

esxtop This is the VMware version of top and provides CPU, memory and disk
configuration realtime information just like top does, but this time we only see the
data relating to the VMkernel so we see worlds instead of processes as resource

top Shows the running processes in the service console and lists the top consumers of
CPU time.

vmstat Don’t get confused by this command, it is a Linux command, not a VMware command.
This is meant to view Linux processes, memory and paging. We generally use vmstat with
2 numeric parameters, the first parameter is how frequently the tool should run
(specified in seconds). The second parameter specifies how many times the tool should
run e.g.
vmstat 3 10

would run the tool every 3 seconds for 10 times and then exit.

man cpu Great info on using the /proc/vmware file system to change share allocation and
processor affinity.

/proc/vmware In a subdirectory called /vm there are subdirectories for each vm labelled
by number How do you find out what number corresponds to what VM?
grep –i worldid= ~ali/vmware/ISAserver/vmware.log

Some other examples of great info that can be extracted are outlined in the following

/proc/vmware/vm/139/cpu affinity 0,1,2,3
/proc/vmware/vm/139/cpu shares 1000
/proc/vmware/vm/139/cpu status
/proc/vmware/vm/138/cpu hyperthreading


vmkusage Generates web page usage reports. Was not automatically installed in previous
versions of ESX
vmkusagectl install to install the utilisation web pages & setup a cron job
vmkusage –graph to generate graph images vmkusage –regroove to wipe the db and start
stats again

hstatus This is a web page like the MUI accessible via

Not sure if we need to be logged in for this to work, but vmkusage does appear to be
required. We get loads of output on this page, similar to running command line tools.
This is part of what looks like the legacy interface to ESX server, i.e. it doesn’t
look as cool as the MUI of ESX 2.x.

crontab Lists the cron jobs scheduled for the user when used with the –l (list) switch.


snmpwalk Used to walkthrough SNMP mibs. -M – use MIBSDIR -m all use mibs list instead
of default mibs list

Trap Receiver A utility to display SNMP traps. MIBs can be loaded into this.

Perl Scripts Backup script to backup a virtual disk whilst the virtual machine is still
running. This is achieved by the script creating a REDO file and if necessary a REDO
file of a REDO file; thus reducing the changing data and allowing a straight copy of
the non-changing file. This script is the restore tool for Used to determine the world wide name (WWN) for hba. This Perl script runs on tty1 of the ESX server. Create or delete HBA persistent bindings This is used to mount a virtual disk in the service console while the
virtual machine is not running. For example, if a configuration file in the guest OS
virtual disk is preventing a virtual machine from booting correctly, you could

To Enable SSH Login

Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
and change:
Permit root login no
Permit root login yes

Then type this command:
service sshd restart

To Enable VNC access
Turn on vnc in the /etc/vmware/config and connect to your host that way. Add
RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = "TRUE"
To /etc/vmware/config

2. If you have multiple VMs that are on, then you need to specify which port in the vmx
file that they should be on:

RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = “5900”

/etc/sysconfig/network as

Restart VC mgmt agentsservice mgmt-vmware restartservice vmware-vpxa restart

List processor infocat /proc/cpuinfo

Enter maintenance mode from the ESX command line
vimsh -n -e /hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter

Enable VMotion from the command line:
vimsh -n -e “hostsvc/vmotion/vnic_set vmk0"

Backup every running vm via vcb in just one command:
for /f “tokens=2 delims=:” %%i in (’vcbvmname -h -u -p
-s Powerstate:on ^ find “name:”‘) do cscript pre-command.wsf “c:\program
files\vmware\vmware consolidated backup framework\” %%i fullvm

Dump a specific disk via the VCB Proxy monolithic(1 big chunk)
Open a cmd and go to your VCB installation path
“vcbexport.exe -M 1 -d test01.vmdk -s TestVM/TestVM.vmdk”

Any swapping going on or more info on memory usage in general
Open a putty session to your ESX box
“watch -n 1 cat /proc/vmware/sched/mem”

Reinitialize the VirtualCenter Database
Stop the service
Start vpxd.exe with the option “-b”
CAUTION, this will wipe out the entire database, this is a last resort!

All the VMID’s also known as World ID’s
vm-support -x
List Snapshots - every delta file gets listed, including the unregistered and/or
orphaned snapshots
find /vmfs/volumes -iname “*delta.vmdk”

Grep for network infoesxcfg-info grep -i -E "MACvmnic"esxcfg-info grep -i -E

What to do when receiving error message SysinfoException:Node (VSI_NODE_net_create) and
cannot connect a host to the PTS.
Restart hostd – service mgmt-vmware restart
Restore vmknic – esxcfg-vmknic –r

You should be able to add the host now to the PTS

To rename an esx server find and rename the hostname in the files
Then reboot the host, or schedule a reboot.

You should replace the SSL certificate as well.

backup /etc/vmware/ssl/
rm /etc/vmware/ssl/*
service mgmt-vmware restart

NetworkingEsxcfg-firewall – Configures the service console firewall portsEsxcfg-nics –
Prints a list of physical network adapters along with information on the driver, PCI
device, and link state of each NIC. You can also use this command to control a physical
network adapter’s speed and duplexingEsxcfg-route – Sets or retrieves the default
VMkernel gateway routeEsxcfg-vmknic - Creates and updates VMkernel TCP/IP settings for
VMotion, NAS, and iSCSIEsxcfg-vswif – Creates and updates service console network
settings. This command is used if you cannot manage the ESX Server host through the VI
Client because of network configuration issuesEsxcfg-vswitch – Creates and updates
virtual machine (vswitch) network settingsStorageEsxcfg-mpath - Configures multipath
settings for your Fibre Channel or iSCSI disksEsxcfg-nas – Manages NAS mounts. You use
this command to add, delete, list, and change the attributes of NAS devicesEsxcfg-
swiscsi – Configures your software iSCSI software adapterEsxcfg-vmhbadevs – Prints a
map of VMkernel storage devices to service console devices (no VI client equivalent)
GeneralEsxcfg-advcfg - Configures advanced options for ESX Server.Esxcfg-auth –
Configures authentication (no VI client equivalent)Esxcfg-info - Prints information
about the state of the service console, VMkernel, various subsystems in the virtual
network, and storage resource hardwareEsxcfg-resgrp - Restores resource group settings
and lets you perform basic resource group managementEsxcfg-upgrade - Upgrades ESX
Server from ESX Server 2.x to ESX Server 3.x. This command is not for general
useBoot/diagnosticEsxcfg-boot – Configures bootstrap settings (no VI client
equivalent)Esxcfg-dumppart - Configures a diagnostic partition or searches for existing
diagnostic partitionsEsxcfg-init - Performs internal initialization routines (no VI
client equivalent)Esxcfg-linuxnet - Converts vswif to eth when booting ESX Server into
service-console-only mode rather than into ESX mode (no VI client equivalent)Esxcfg-
module - Sets driver parameters and modifies which drivers are loaded during startup
(no VI client equivalent)Display disk/directory information on the Service ConsoleType
“df –h” to show drives and spaceType “fdisk –l” to show physical drive informationType
“cat /proc/scsi/scsi” to show SCSI device informationType “vdf –h” to show vmfs volumes
and spaceType “ls –ltr” to show files and space Other Commandsvmkping - use vmkernel to
ping a device esxcfg-vswif for configuring network interface vm-support to run
diagnostic commands esxupdate -l query query patches installed on ESX Server esxcfg-
rescan vmhba1 to rescan HBA’s ps -ef grep hostd To check hostd is running esxcfg-mpath
-l to list path details
esxcfg-vswif -lProvides a list of the service console’s current network interfaces.
Check that vswif0 is present and that the current IP address and Netmask are
correct.esxcfg--L -lProvides a list of current virtual switch configurations.Check that
the uplink adapter configured for the service console is connected to the appropriate
physical network.exscfg-nics -lProvides a list of current network adapters along with
their namesCheck that the uplink adapter configured for the service console is up and
that the speed and duplex are both correct.esxcfg-nics -s Changes the
speed of a network adapter.esxcfg-nics -d Changes the duplex of a network
adapter.esxcfg-vswif -i vswifXChanges the service console’s IP address.esxcfg-
vswif -n vswifXChanges the service console’s netmask.esxcfg-vswitch -U
Removes the NIC for the service consoleesxcfg-vswitch -L
Changes the uplink for the service console.
Creating an ISO file from a mounted CD
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/vmimages/w2ksp4.iso bs=32k

How to get processor ID CPUID information
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5560 @ 2.80GHz stepping : 5

# cat /proc/cpuinfo grep name hexdump –C
00000000 6d 6f 64 65 6c 20 6e 61 6d 65 09 3a 20 49 6e 74 model name.: Int
00000010 65 6c 28 52 29 20 58 65 6f 6e 28 52 29 20 43 50 el(R) Xeon(R) CP
00000020 55 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 58 35 35 36 U X556
00000030 30 20 20 40 20 32 2e 38 30 47 48 7a 0a 0 @ 2.80GHz.

iSCSI Network setup
Here is the quick note on how to setup on SWiSCSI network:

esxcfg-vswitch -a Vswitch1 <<-- create a vswitch
esxcfg-vswitch -A iSCSI <<-- create a port groupesxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic2 Vswitch1 <<-
uplink the 1st NIC
esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic3 Vswitch1 <<<--- if you want to do NIC teaming

esxcfg-vmknic -a -i iSCSI_IP -n net_mask iSCSI <<-- create vmknic

vmkping iSCSI_target_IP <<--- see if you can vmkping the iSCSI target

esxcfg-swiscsi -e <<--- enable SWiSCSI

esxcfg-scsidevs -a <<--- look for vmhba# for iSCSI

vmkiscsi-tool -I vmhbaX <<---- Ensure the correct/same intiator's iqn that was
configured on the iSCSI array. If this is good, move on to the next step. If not, add
the correct intiator's iqn by: "vmkiscsi-tool -I -a the_correct_initiator_iqn vmhbaX

vmkiscsi-tool -D -a iSCSI_target_IP:3260 <<--- add Dynamic Discovery address

esxcfg-swiscsi -s <<---- rescan to login the iSCSI target

vmkiscsi-tool -T -l vmhbaX <<--- to see if iSCSI target

esxcfg-mpath -b <<--- to see if the iSCSI device is seen or not by

Command Line VM control

vmware-cmd VM Management in the console
vmware-cmd -l
Sample: vmware-cmd -l
List path and names of .registered VM vmx files on the present hostVery important! Use
the path with the UUID (vmfslabel) where requested in vmware-cmd
use vmware-cmd -l command to retrieve the UUID list
vmware-cmd /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx getstate
Sample: getstat
Retrieve power state of the VM: off, on, suspended, stuck
vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx reset trysoft
Sample: reboot
Reboot the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown before
vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx start
Sample: startPower on the VM
vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop trysoftvmware-cmd
vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx stop hard
Sample: shutdown
Shutdown/halt the VM. First try a nice shutdown, then if necessary force a shutdown.
Finally power off.
vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx suspend
Sample: suspendSuspend the VM
suspend vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx hassnapshot
Sample: hassnapshots
Query if VM has a snapshot snapshot vmware-cmd createsnapshot name description quiesce
Sample: createsnapshot
Quiesce will quiesce file system writes Memory will grab the memory state (will lose
pings during this) createsnapshot vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx
Sample: reverttosnapshot
Revert to previous created snapshot (you loose the current VM state!) revertsnapshot
vmware-cmd vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx removesnapshots
Sample: removesnapshot
Remove previous created snapshots (you keep the current VM state!) removesnapshots
vmware-cmd -s register vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx
Sample: register
Register VM (add to inventory) register vmware-cmd -s unregister
Sample: unregister
Unregister VM (add to inventory) unregister vmware-cmd
vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/VMName/VMName.vmx answer
Sample: answer
answer pending request for userinput

vmkfstools -X
Extend virtual Disk
vmkfstools -X 12G ./testing.vmdk
To extend an existing Virtual Disk to 12GB. Instead of G you can use M for
MegabytesWith the same command you can shrink the disk (only for ESX Version prior to
3.0) if you choose a smaller than the present size. Be aware if the shrinked size is
smaller as the partition size in the guest there might be a data losse or a corrupted
system resulting!
In some cases the shrink command must be issued with the --force option:
vmkfstools -X 4G ./testing.vmdk --force
For shrinking on ESX 3.0x use the VMWare Converter (download from the VMware Website
for freee). Point the source and destination to the same ESX Host.
If you receive an error one parameter was incrorrect the size might be smaller as the
original size!
If you have blanks in the file or directoryname, mask the full path with '
vmkfstools -i

To export or clone a virtual disk from VMFSvmfsktools -i -d diskformat

Copy from one vmfs to another:
vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk
Export to ext3 partition:
vmkfstools -i /vmfs/esxpublic/testvm2.vmdk -d 2gbsparse /vmimages/testvm2.vmdk

vmkfstools -E
Rename files associated with a specified virtual disk
vmkfstools -U
Delete VirtualdiskDelete files associated with the specified virtual disk.
vmkfstools -c 4000M ./file.vmdk
To create a new empty virtual disk
vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic /vmfs/volume/vmfslabel/directory/newdisk.vmdk
or in current directory
vmkfstools -c 300G -a lsilogic ./newdisk.vmdk
This command is very useful because you can use user-friendly names for the disks
For further options enter man vmkfstools
esxcfg tool Management in the console
esxcfg-rescan vmhba1
esxcfg-rescan vmhba2
Rescan vmhbas
esxcfg-mpath -l
VMware ESX Server multipathing information
Disk vmhba1:3:6 /dev/sdu (225280MB) has 2 paths and policy of Most Recently UsedFC
2:1.0 210000e08b0246af<->201400a0b81167e2 vmhba1:3:6 On active preferredFC 4:1.0
210000e08b02e4a0<->201500a0b81167e2 vmhba2:3:6 Standby
Multipathing of HBAS listing and configure
esxcfg-vmhbadevs -m

See the relationship between vmhba and devnames. This produces an output like so:
vmhba1:3:6:1 /dev/sdu1 44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556avdf
/vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a230424576 44748800 185675776 19%
Relationship between Vmhbas and devname
ls /vmfs/devices/disks/
list all your disks/luns like so:vmhba0:0:0:0
You can then use fdisk to work out if the disks are blank of partitioned with:
fdisk /vmfs/devices/disks/vmhba1:5:0:0

Not an esxcfg command but very useful

Identify the LUN Disk and Partition
x=Hostbusadapter (0=mostly internal SCSI Adapter, 1=mostliy fibrechannel 1...x)
esxcfg-firewall --openPort
esxcfg-firewall --closePort
port: Apllication PortProtocol:tcp or udpDirection: in or outname: Descriptive name of
esxcfg-firewall -q to query settings
esxcfg-firewall --openPort 14247,tcp,out,IBMDirector
You cannot configure unsupported services through the VI Client.
Firewall settings

vmhba0:0:0 /dev/sda
vmhba0:1:0 /dev/sdb
vmhba0:2:0 /dev/sdc
Map of VMkernel storage devices to service console devices

VMkernel storage devices to service console devices

esxcfg-vswif -i -n vswf0
Creates and updates virtual machine network settings
Change IP Address and Subnetmask

vmkpcidivy is depreciated
Example:[root@esx001 root]# vmkpcidivy -q vmhba_devsvmhba0:0:1 /dev/sdcvmhba0:0:2
/dev/sddvmhba1:0:0 /dev/sdevmhba2:0:0 /dev/sdavmhba2:1:0 /dev/sdb

Updating Drivers for Emulex
1. Boot ESX 3.5.0 system

2. Remove existing lpfc driver rpm
# rpm -qa grep lpfc
# rpm -e
# esxcfg-boot -p
# reboot

3. Install new lpfc rpm
# rpm -Uvh --force
# esxcfg-boot -p
# reboot

How to check driver versions for HBA and NIC
ethtool -i vmnicX, example on vmnic1:

[root@prme-stg244 ~]# ethtool -i vmnic1
driver: ixgbe
version: 1.3.36_NETQ-NAPI
firmware-version: N/A
bus-info: 0000:06:00.1
[root@prme-stg244 ~]#

Qlogic: You can check /proc/scsi/qlaxxx/X, example as followed:

[root@prme-stg244 ~]# cd /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/
[root@prme-stg244 qla2xxx]# pwd
[root@prme-stg244 qla2xxx]# ls
4 5
[root@prme-stg244 qla2xxx]# cat 4
QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLA 2432:
Firmware version 4.04.09 [IP] [Multi-ID] [84XX] , Driver version 8.02.01-k1-
BIOS version 2.02
FCODE version 2.00
EFI version 2.00
Flash FW version 4.03.01
ISP: ISP2432

Emulex: You can check /proc/scsi/lpfc820/X

[root@prme-stg245 lpfc820]# pwd
[root@prme-stg245 lpfc820]# ls
4 5
[root@prme-stg245 lpfc820]# cat 4
Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel SCSI driver
Emulex LP2105-CI 4Gb FC 10GbE FCoE CNA on PCI bus 04 device 00 irq 121 port 0
BoardNum: 0
Firmware Version: 2.80A4 (Z3F2.80A4)

Updating Drivers for Qlogic
1. Boot ESX 3.5.0 system

2. Remove existing qla2300 driver rpm
# rpm -qa grep qla2300
# rpm -e
# esxcfg-boot -p
# reboot

3. Install new lpfc rpm
# rpm -Uvh --force
# esxcfg-boot -p
# reboot
How to check driver versions for HBA and NIC
ethtool -i vmnicX, example on vmnic1:

[root@prme-stg244 ~]# ethtool -i vmnic1
driver: ixgbe
version: 1.3.36_NETQ-NAPI
firmware-version: N/A
bus-info: 0000:06:00.1
[root@prme-stg244 ~]#

Qlogic: You can check /proc/scsi/qlaxxx/X, example as followed:

[root@prme-stg244 ~]# cd /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/
[root@prme-stg244 qla2xxx]# pwd
[root@prme-stg244 qla2xxx]# ls
4 5
[root@prme-stg244 qla2xxx]# cat 4
QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLA 2432:
Firmware version 4.04.09 [IP] [Multi-ID] [84XX] , Driver version 8.02.01-k1-
BIOS version 2.02
FCODE version 2.00
EFI version 2.00
Flash FW version 4.03.01
ISP: ISP2432

Emulex: You can check /proc/scsi/lpfc820/X

[root@prme-stg245 lpfc820]# pwd
[root@prme-stg245 lpfc820]# ls
4 5
[root@prme-stg245 lpfc820]# cat 4
Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel SCSI driver
Emulex LP2105-CI 4Gb FC 10GbE FCoE CNA on PCI bus 04 device 00 irq 121 port 0
BoardNum: 0
Firmware Version: 2.80A4 (Z3F2.80A4)

Updating Drivers for Qlogic
1. Boot ESX 3.5.0 system

2. Remove existing qla2300 driver rpm
# rpm -qa grep qla2300
# rpm -e
# esxcfg-boot -p
# reboot

3. Install new lpfc rpm
# rpm -Uvh --force
# esxcfg-boot -p
# reboot